At the 31th International Congress of Psychology

Attendance of Psychology Department Members of RIHU

03 August 2016 | 11:18 Code : 33540 News and Events
Two members of the Psychology Department of RIHU participated at at the thirty-first International Congress of Psychology held in Yokohama, Japan from 24 to 29 July.
Attendance of Psychology Department Members of RIHU

The public relations reports that, the international conference has been held every four years by International Association of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), the issues of current conference was around "diversity in harmony, insight into the psychology".

Dr. Jan Bozorgi The Associate Professor of Psychology Department of RIHU, presented his novel treatment titled " spiritually multidimensional treatment" and Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Azerbaijani, the another  Associate Professor of Psychology Department of RIHU presented a paper titled "the role of religion in unity and disunity".  The two papers were welcomed by participants.

Public Relations of Research Institute congratulated, the successful presentations of  Dr. Jan Bozorgi and Dr. Azarbayejani and wished more success in the international arena for the two members of RIHU.

Last Update At : 17 March 2020

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