Message of President

Message of President

 Utilizing both Hawzah and universities potentials and capacities and making the best out of scholars and intellectuals of these two institutions, in the light of theorizing about the relations of Islam and human sciences, Research Institute of Hawzah and University tries to move towards the implementation of its major mission in unification of Hawzah and university and aims to be a scientific pole in Islamic human sciences in a universal horizon. RIHU is taking yet higher steps in expansion of the boundaries of Islamic and national human sciences. In this way, on the basis of its strategic act which reflects its overall orientation, in the organizational level, RIHU by 2025 will be seen as an outstanding and influential institute with an Islamic approach in the field of human and social sciences in the region.

MohammadBagher SaeediRoshan, President

Last Update At : 16 January 2024