

Department of Psychology

This department was established in 1982 with the cooperation of a group of Hawzah and university professors. The department has so far published 30 volumes of books, 73 articles, moreover it has a vast scientific and research cooperation with the Institute of Psychiatry and also has published bi-quarterly of "Islam and psychological studies" until now. This department is also a member of "The committee of International Conference on the role of religion in mental health", "The scientific committee of International Conference on science and religion", "The center for Islamic researches in Shahid Beheshti University" and "Scientific council of assessing models and criteria of religiousness" in the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.

Goals of the Department:

1.Extraction of Islamic bases and views in the field of psychology;

2.Theorization about fundamental issues of psychology and interdisciplinary topics about interaction between psychology and religion;

3.Fulfillment of the project of nationalization of human sciences on the basis of religious fundamentals in the field of psychology through cooperation in compilation of textbooks and supporting the related research proposals;

4.Removal of research needs of the country in the realm of psychology with a religious approach;

5.Comparative studies about issues and problems of psychology;

6.Education and training of the staff needed for research in the field of psychology with Islamic view;

7.Compilation of research methodology in the realm of psychology;


Seyed Mohammad Gharavi

Dr. Masoud Azarbayejani

Dr. Mohammad Kaviani

Dr. Masoud Janbozorgi

Dr.MohammadReza Salarifar

SeyedMehdi MosaviAsl

Department of Psychology
Head of Dep: Seyed Mohammad Gharavi
Mail : psy.dep[at]
Tel : 025 32111355
Last Update At : 03 February 2020