RIHU’s Scientific and Cultural Cooperation with other Centers Grows

25 May 2013 | 11:30 Code : 25297 News and Events
In the wake of signing separate agreements with Humanities & Cultural Studies research institute, Supreme Assembly of Islamic Philosophy, and Islamic Culture & Relations Organization, RIHU’s scientific and cultural cooperation grows.
According to RIHU PR news unit, the agreement for scientific cooperation and mutual use of research-scientific productions, which was signed between RIHU research vice-president and research vice-president of Humanities & Cultural Studies Research Institute, specifies mutual use of research-scientific productions in the area of publications for republication as the theme of cooperation.
The agreement of scientific cooperation between RIHU and the Supreme Assembly of Islamic Philosophy stipulates various points of cooperation including the following:
presentation of research priorities to each other, cooperation in holding joint scientific meetings and seminars, profiting from the expertise of the professors and researchers in the two centers in holding educational courses and scientific workshops, and cooperation and participation in publication of books and academic journals and their distribution at both domestic and international levels.
However, in the cooperation agreement, signed last week between RIHU and Islamic Culture & Relations Organization during its president’s visit to RIHU, the main focus is cultural, and the attested reason for signing the agreement is optimal use of actual and potential capabilities of the two sides in the areas of science, research, and education with the aim of exalting the culture of the country. This agreement includes common points and areas of interaction in terms of research and education, commitments of the two parties, methods for implementation of the agreement, and responsible sectors.
Last Update At : 24 June 2015

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