First International Virtual Conference on
Pathology of Ahl al-Bayt History Studies in the Contemporary Period International Conference

Research Institute for Hawzah and University (RIHU) invite all interested, academics professionals or independent researchers to participate in this scientific event.
First International Virtual Conference on
pathology of Ahlalbayt history studies in contemporary era
Conference themes:
- An introduction to pathologies of Ahlalbayt (AS) history studies in contemporary era
- Pathology of Ahlalbayt (AS) history studies in contemporary era: documents and sources
- Pathology of Ahlalbayt (AS) history studies in contemporary era: purposes and methodologies
- Pathology of Ahlalbayt (AS) history studies in contemporary era: basics and approaches
- Pathology of Ahlalbayt (AS) history studies in contemporary era: regional and international issues
Important Dates:
Abstract deadline: August, 20th, 2020
Full paper deadline: October, 6th, 2020
Conference date: October, 29nd, 2020
Research Institute for Hawzah and University, Qom, Tehran, Iran
Contact Info:
Tel: +982532111352
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