First International Virtual Conference on

Covid19 Crisis and its Legal and Moral liabilities Related to public health Precaution

19 September 2020 | 10:05 Code : 37184 News and Events
Covid19 Crisis and its Legal and Moral liabilities Related to public health Precaution

Research Institute for Hawzah and University (RIHU) invite all interested, academics professionals or independent researchers to participate in this scientific event.

First International Virtual Conference on

Covid19 Crisis and its Legal and Moral liabilities Related to public health Precaution


Conference Themes

The issues covered in the conference
Covid19 crisis and legal liabilities: international aspects
-    Ststes's liability for international cooperation to observe the right of public health
-    UN liability and other international  institutes such as WHO and even UN security council in relation with the right of public health
-    States' liability and international institutions in confronting the impact of embargo on citizens (prevention of selling and transporting medicine )
-    Competent persons in suing and competent courts in cases related to embargo victims
-    States' liability in providing health care services for at-risk patients (the patients, the elderly, women and children)
-    Covid-19 and the principle of nondiscrimination
-    Resolving system for international disputes over the origin of covid-19 disease
-    The impact of pandemics spread on execution of humanitarian international law commitments
-    Spread of covid-19 from the perspective of the right on health
-    The right on international solidarity and covid-19 prevalence
Covid-19 crisis and legal liabilities: national aspects  
-    Legal liabilities of governmental institutions in provision of right on public health
-    State's liability in providing health care services for at-risk patients (the patients, the elderly, women and children)
-    Designing a triple interactive pattern of state, private sector and NGOs in health care issues
-    State's liability in confronting health-related  crisis crime
-     covid-19 died rights (legal  and jurisprudential approach)
-     Islamic government liability in covid-19 affected  religious affairs
-    Contradiction of government tasks in resolving covid-19  pandemic disease
-    The jurisprudential and legal basics of state's preventive liability confronting pandemics
-    Investigation of the legal status  of the national comitte for fighting covid-19 and its  regulations
-    Clarification of the basic rights of at-risk persons threatened by pandemics (life right, public health right, security right,…)
-    individual's liability in observing other citizen's rights of health during covid-19 crisis
-    the right of valid information in public health during critical conditions  
-    state's liability in supporting families during covid-19 crisis
-    aspects and challenges of covid-19 prevalence from the perspective of constitutional, official, financial, labor and social security law
-    aspects and challenges of covid-19 prevalence from the perspective of private law (contracts, competition, business, civil  liability)
-     aspects and challenges of covid-19 prevalence from the perspective of criminal law (criminology, procedure, …)
Covid-19 crisis and moral responsibilities: national and international aspects
-    Moral responsibility of governmental instituitions in national and intrenatioan aspects
-    Moral responsibility of states and international institutions in confronting the impact of embargo on citizens (prevention of medicine transforming)
-    Moral responsibility of individuals' on observing others' rights of health during national and international crisis
-    Covid-19 and moral responsibility of NGOs in providing people's health in national and trans-national aspects
-    Covid-19 crisis and moral responsibility  for mental health (the contradiction of mental and physical health)
-    Covid-19 crisis and moral responsibility for spiritual health
-    Moral responsibility for spiritual care of the patients
-    Moral responsibility and for health-staffs health during covid-19 crisis (doctors and nurses)
-    Moral responsibility for voluntarily participation in health centers during the crisis
-    The right on health and moral responsibility related to trans-national aids (border-free fund)
-    The impact of covid-19 on moral responsibility  related to familial  relations

Important Dates:

Abstract & Full paper submission: Oct, 11st , 2020

Conference date: November, 5th, 2020

Research Institute for Hawzah and University, Qom, Tehran, Iran

Contact Info:
Tel: +982532111377



Last Update At : 19 September 2020

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