History of Islam


Department of History of Islam

Among the active departments of the research center we can refer to the department of the history of Islam, which was established in 1993. This department has so far held 11 conferences, and published 55 books and more than 52 articles. At present the department is working on a comprehensive plan for the Dictionary of Sireh-ye Nabavi (Holy Prophet's lifestyle).

Goals of the Department:

1.Revitalization and preparation of grounds needed for expansion of discussions of the early history of Islam in a scientific manner in Hawzah and other research societies;

2.Revision in historical issues especially Sireh-ye Nabavi (SA) and lives of Ahl-al Beit, and their scientific presentation through application of modern methodology;

3.Presentation of historical truths, and introduction of correct history of the Holy Prophet and Imams (AS), for correction of deviations entered in history books;

4.Trying to meet scientific and research needs of the country about the early history of Islam;

5.Education and training of the staff needed for research in the field of history of Islam;

6.Compilation of research methodology in the field of the history of Islam;


Ramezan Mohammadi

Mansoor Dadashnejhad

hosein Moradinasab

Ghasem Khanjani

MohammadReza HedayatPanah

Hoseyn Hoseynianmoghadam

Department of History of Islam
Head of Dep: Ramezan Mohammad
Mail : history.dep[at]rihu.ac.ir
Tel : +98 25 32111376
Last Update At : 03 February 2020