Development in the Light of Transformations

Development in the Light of Transformations

Development in the Light of Transformations

Groups : Economics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 13 April 2020
Published At : April 2004
Status : Printed

Historical consideration of the development in the West and the historical review of its events is one of the distinguishing features of this book since the western experience is one of the ways to reach development.
In the first chapter, there are some discussions on the development and its transformations. The following chapters (Chapters II-V) briefly present the most important intellectual, cultural, social, political, technical, and international transformations. The wide range of information and the multidimensionality of the reviews provide the reader with a comprehensive and relatively general understanding of the development. The historical presentation of the subject and its multidimensionality with a relatively critical approach places the audience in a real and objective space of the phenomenon, on the one hand, and fades away the boring nature of theoretical and abstract discussions, on the other hand.
The book is to make the audience come to an understanding that development is not exclusively economic and many non-economic factors are also involved. It also directs them to find out that the development is not achieved through a blind imitation of the developed countries, but rather a conscious movement based on identity elements is of essence.


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