Scientific Theorization of Islamic Economics: A Course book

Scientific Theorization of Islamic Economics: A Course book

Scientific Theorization of Islamic Economics: A Course book

Groups : Economics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 13 April 2020
Published At : April 2012
Status : Printed

A "scientific" proposition is the one whose verbal structure and its content tolerate the experimental method. When a set of these systematic propositions form a collection for a defined subject, a branch of science emerges.
Islamic economics is one of the scientific disciplines that, like other branches of the humanities, is realized when:
First, propositions are systematic and structurally proportional to the scientific-empirical method.
Second, the provision of these propositions has a rational reference to Islamic teachings.
Third, it is universal so that it can cover the emerging variables in the contemporary complex economic relations.
This book provides some explanations and research on the formation of Islamic economics.


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