Business and Inequality in Globalization Context

Business and Inequality in Globalization Context

Business and Inequality in Globalization Context

Groups : Economics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 13 April 2020
Published At : April 2009
Status : Printed

Human life has been more or less associated with many developments and transformations; however, throughout the last four decades, these developments have been accelerating and their range has been extended from the relations among the societies to the intra-society relations and even to the world's general structure. Many social scientists believe that the future world is to be extremely different from today's world.
Business as one of the pillars of the relations among the human societies has always played a critical role in the development of human societies, and has encouraged people to earn more revenue and benefits from business relations. Although these relations would bring some benefits for the both parties involved- and in many cases they have been accompanied with such benefits, when the power of one of the parties is more highlighted, the relations can confiscate all or most of the benefits of the one party and even become a channel to exploit the weaker party’s capacities. The history of old and new colonialism and the growing gap between societies explicitly represent such an incidence.
The inequality problem among societies has increasingly become a concern for those with human-centered perspectives and has even raised concerns in the international organizations. The question now is whether the latest developments can be considered as a factor reducing such inequalities and whether business as one of the most important areas of such developments can contribute to reducing the inequalities. One approach to examine this issue is to detect factors leading to inequality and then to examine the status of those factors in the recent developments. Are the conditions leading to inequalities changed? The book is to provide answers to the aforementioned questions.


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