Fundamentals of Public Sector in Islamic Economics

Fundamentals of Public Sector in Islamic Economics

Fundamentals of Public Sector in Islamic Economics

Groups : Economics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 13 April 2020
Published At : April 2011
Status : Printed

According to some development economists, the formation of the development process requires that capital accumulation be achieved through the savings by high-income classes. Thus economic policies with an approach to reduce the poverty among the lower deciles of society and increase their relative welfare hinder the initiation of the development process. In this book, the process of social and economic development, with an approach to Islamic teachings, has been studied in such a way from which social justice and poverty reduction are derived. The natural products of such a process, i.e., reducing poverty and increasing welfare along with the growth of production, are considered to be intertwined. In this process, not only there is no conflict between development and social justice formation, but also these two emerge at the same time.

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