Functions of Social Welfare: Views and Foundations from an Islamic Perspective

Functions of Social Welfare: Views and Foundations from an Islamic Perspective

Functions of Social Welfare: Views and Foundations from an Islamic Perspective

Groups : Economics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 13 April 2020
Published At : June 2016
Status : Printed

Welfare economics, as the main pillar of the social welfare function, is of particular importance since it can be used to detect the most desired economic status in society and to compare two economic conditions. These functions can be regarded as the basis for socio-economic policies of a society; therefore, the illustration of these functions, an examination of their value ​​and belief foundations, and their adjustment with the Islamic guidelines provide a valuable service to the scientific community, the localization of humanities, and policy-making in an Islamic society. Accordingly, the book is outlined in seven chapters. The first chapter covers definitions, concepts, and generalities. Chapters II to V illustrate the variables and benchmarks of various functions of social welfare. In Chapter VI, these functions are compared in terms of their orientation toward utility and freedom. Chapter VII also examines the value ​​and belief foundations of the functions from an Islamic perspective.

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