Theories of Distributive Justice

Theories of Distributive Justice

Theories of Distributive Justice

Groups : Economics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 13 April 2020
Published At : May 2016
Status : Printed

This book examines the most important contemporary views on distributive justice. Although ​​justice has always been a concern for humanity and the scientists has always been reflecting on this issue, the conceptual complexity and the extremely rapid development of social and economic relations, especially over the past 100 years, has made the distributive justice one of the most controversial issues in social science throughout 50 years ago. In this book, various distributive justice topics are examined in the form of the most remarkable contemporary schools of thought (utilitarianists, authoritarians, Rawlsian liberals, egalitarians, and socialists). For each of the schools, the viewpoints of some famous scholars are reviewed based on their main references. The book is to provide the audience with a fairly complete picture of the distributive justice and to allow for further research.

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