A Theoretical Analysis of the Impact of Unreal Values on Global Financial Crisis 2007-2009
A Theoretical Analysis of the Impact of Unreal Values on Global Financial Crisis 2007-2009
Undoubtedly, the financial crisis 2007-2009 can be considered as the most remarkable economic event over the past decades. Relying on their different pillars and principles, the schools and dominant trends of economic thoughts (in Keynesian and Neoclassical forms) explained the financial crisis 2008; however, they failed to find the causes of the crisis since they disregarded the institutional considerations of the economic system. One of the main institutional considerations is the role of unreal values, especially the credit creation in the commercial banking system and shadow banking system, in the occurrence of the financial crisis. While introducing a variety of financial crises and describing the process of creating and fixing unreal values and its effect on the formation of financial cycles, a theoretical model is used in the present study to present a more fundamental reason for the occurrence of the financial crisis than what the economists of the dominant currents have raised. It derives from religious teachings such as the negation of unjust consumption of one’s wealth and the rejection of Gharar (i.e., uncertainty, hazard, deception, chance or risk) in exchange, and is called unreal values, and then some of its great effects have been extracted and analyzed in the form of a developed intrinsic growth model. The model was developed by adding the financial intermediaries, including banks, to the Ramsey growth model (1923). The model is explicitly solved by the optimal control theory and the dynamics of the occurrence of the business cycles and financial crisis are explained in this model. According to the findings, the creation of unreal values, in the form of bank credit, is the main and most important factor leading to financial crises. Hence macroeconomic policies highlight the significance of the reliance on real values to avoid any financial crisis.
Authors: Mohammad Vaez Barzani, Behnam Ebrahimi
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