Principles of Applied Fiqh (Vol. I)

Principles of Applied Fiqh (Vol. I)

Groups : law
Author: Hosein Ghafi
Publisher : RIHU
Category : Law
Updated At : 30 June 2020
Published At : June 2006
Status : Printed

In this book, the jurisprudential issues along with a number of legal examples are concisely described with regard to their application in law. The book encompasses two chapters; the first chapter (generalizations and concepts) introduces Fiqh, its principles, its history and some preliminary issues. The second chapter (word topics) discusses the use of words, orders, concepts, general and specific, conditional absolute, and so on. The other issues of Fiqh principles, including the arguments and sources of Fiqh are included in Volume II, and the third volume of the book covers the principles of application and conflict of evidence. One of the most important features of the book that makes it suitable to be taught at universities is distinguishing the main and more practical topics from deep and marginal topics, proposing topics for directing students towards investigations on the principles of Fiqh and the logic of laws, and including the abstract of the articles and exercises at the end of each section.

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