A Comparison of Human Right Discourses in Western Culture and Islam

A Comparison of Human Right Discourses in Western Culture and Islam

Groups : law , Politics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : Law
Updated At : 30 June 2020
Published At : March 2017
Status : Printed

The book encompasses three chapters: The first chapter, entitled "Reputation of Rights", covers three sections. The second chapter, entitled "Types of Rights", consists of four sections. Chapter III presents some theories on the rights in two sections. This book is authored for the scholars who are interested in gaining further knowledge about the philosophy of rights. The main audiences of this book are professors and students in law, political science, and philosophy of law, political philosophy, and moral philosophy. The author accomplished his studies at university and Hawzah and received his PhD degree in Philosophy of Law from the University of Manchester in 2005. Now, he is the Associate Professor in Philosophy of Law at the Research Institute of Hawzah and University ("Hawzah wa Dāneshgāh Research Institute"), and he has published various books (e.g. Natural Law, 2011; An Introduction on the Philosophy of Right, 2014; and Natural Rights of Man, 2017) on moral philosophy, philosophy of law, political philosophy, philosophy of right, philosophy of human rights, and philosophy of environmental law.

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