Effective Mosque Management Model

Effective Mosque Management Model

Groups : Management
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2012
Status : Printed

The main question answered in this book is as follows: What are the elements and components of effective mosque management? And which model does the relationship among these elements follow? In order to develop a research model, the study used Islamic religious resources, especially verses and narrations, management knowledge resources, sociology, psychology of religion, Islamic management, jurisprudential resources of mosques, comparative studies on voluntary organizations and religious and technical organizations, and some techniques such as exploratory interviews, Delphi survey from experts, and observation. In this model, 11 dimensions were identified in five areas of input, process, output, outcomes, and environmental elements. Input dimensions are the mosque Imam’s competencies, activists’ competencies, community competencies, and resources (financial, material, and information resources). The process, output, and outcomes encompass the variety and quality of programs and services. The maximum attraction and protection of the mosque form the output of the mosque. Environmental elements also include environmental organizations and local context. In constructing the analytical model, a separate practical conceptualization method is used. This means that each major dimension is first divided into several components and each component is then broken down into several indices.

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