An Islamic Approach to Organizational Behavior in Organizations

An Islamic Approach to Organizational Behavior in Organizations

Groups : Management
Publisher : RIHU
Category : Management
Updated At : 30 June 2020
Published At : March 2017
Status : Printed

Islamic approach to organizational behavior management is an interdisciplinary study that deals with human behaviors in the organizational context with the goal of establishing changes, transformation, and guidance of forces according to an Islamic perspective. The general conceptual model in this study is developed as an organizational model based on change and transformation with a human approach to management and with a focus on divine humanism and encompasses variables such as "organizational program", "organizational structure", "organizational culture", and "organizational functions." The organizational functions involve "production management", "human resources management", "financial management", "marketing management", and "information technology management". It should be noted that the conceptualization and analysis of the Islamic approach is initially carried out for each of the sub-topics with regard to the conceptual model of the study. In the next step, the Islamic models relevant to each sub-topic are developed and their relationships with organizational behavior are finally examined.

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