Nurturing Creativity in Organizations with Regard to Islamic Texts

Nurturing Creativity in Organizations with Regard to Islamic Texts

Groups : Management
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2012
Status : Printed

Several factors contribute to the development of creativity, which can be categorized into individual, internal, and external factors, when organizations are focused. The intellectual, emotional and social characteristics of a creative person are the individual factors influencing the creativity nurturing.

Nurturing creativity from an internal dimension is influenced by factors such as individual factors, organizational planning, organizational structure, organizational culture, organizational-motivational system, organizational control system, organizational monitoring and evaluation, and organizational leadership and management.

The family and the systematic elements of community culture are also external factors affecting creativity nurturing. Based on the abovementioned classification, creativity barriers can be classified. Using improper methods leads to failure and reversed outcomes and consequently the loss of creativity. The use of improper methods may be caused by factors such as cognitive, psychological, educational, and cultural factors, hurrying to achieve results, and individual differences.

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