Foundation of Public Administration

Foundation of Public Administration

Groups : Management
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : June 2013
Status : Printed

Theories on humanities and social sciences are not universal since their ontological, epistemological, anthropological, and methodological foundations are different; therefore, it is not possible in humanities and social sciences to act similar to the natural sciences and to apply the ideas presented in other societies in another society without testing. Given the fact that Iranian society has significant differences with other societies, especially western societies, in terms of intellectual and philosophical foundations, it is of necessity to develop theories and to carry out fundamental tasks in humanities and social sciences. Public administration is no exception to this rule, and there is a highlighted need for theorization in this field. Accordingly, the present study aims to take steps to fill this gap of public administration theory in line with the Islamic republic of Iran’s system. In other words, the present book addresses the fundamentals of the public administration theory in Iran.

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