Islamic Management (Its Models and Obstacles in Society and Organizations)

Islamic Management (Its Models and Obstacles in Society and Organizations)

Groups : Management
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : May 2013
Status : Printed

After passing more than three decades of the Islamic Revolution, there are still many obstacles and problems in the realization of Islamic management. Hence Islamic management cannot be expected to be realized in a society unless these obstacles are properly identified and appropriate solutions are provided in this regard. In addition to presenting the history, definitions, perceptions, views, and approaches of Islamic management and comparing Islamic management with Western management, this study aimed to collect and explain Islamic management models at the micro and macro levels in order to formulate a roadmap for Islamic management. The main objective of the book is to develop a model to identify and explain the barriers to the realization of Islamic management in the community and organizations. In this model, 50 barriers to the realization of Islamic management are listed in priority.

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