Jurisprudence of Administration (Vol. I): Nature and Generalities

Jurisprudence of Administration (Vol. I): Nature and Generalities

Groups : Management
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2013
Status : Printed

The problems with each science are considered as the main elements affecting its introduction, formation, formulation and development, the root of which can be sought in human needs. This leads the humanities towards being applied. Given the problem-orientedness of jurisprudence, the systematic supply of humanities’ problems to jurisprudence would result in responses desired by religion. The system of jurisprudential responses which are created while observing the system of philosophical issues will be similar to the Islamic philosophic production cycle, albeit with the science being influenced by jurisprudence. This book as a figure in the jurisprudence of the humanities is of a special position. It contains the knowledge of the jurisprudence family and possesses a set of its strengths enriching the management knowledge.

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