Human Resource Management: An Islamic Perspective (Vol. I)

Human Resource Management: An Islamic Perspective (Vol. I)

Groups : Management
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2013
Status : Printed

This book is an attempt to address some of the epistemic and social assumptions that determine the human resource management (HRM) knowledge as well as the issues raised in this knowledge. Then, the effect of revelatory and rational data of religion on broadening these assumptions and consequently on directing human studies and the content of human understanding are revealed in order to state that if the human were viewed not only from the narrow perspective of social and epistemic constraints but also from the perspective of God as the creator of all beings, including men, most of the ups and downs facing human beings and those unpleasant experiences obtained by the scholars through trial and error would not be observed. Seeking the religious achievements, there also would be a better experience and knowledge of mankind. Furthermore, the present book investigates the potential and actual impact of revelatory and religious education on human resource management issues.

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