Value and Reward from an Islamic (Organizational-Spirituality) Perspective

Value and Reward from an Islamic (Organizational-Spirituality) Perspective

Groups : Management
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2013
Status : Printed

Contemporary organizations operate in an increasingly complex and changing environments. The globalization of the economy within the past two decades and the advancement of technology have been the driving force behind these changes. Thus the organizations are now competing in a boundary-free global market and need to be more agile. To face the external challenges, they should create a work environment with potentials to attract, maintain, and motivate a team of high-efficiency employees. Consequently, creating a work environment that promotes the sense of challenging and meaningful work among the staff has become a priority for organizational survival. This process demonstrates the special importance of spirituality in organizations. Using rewards, particularly spiritual or intangible rewards, the human resource management system can adopt an important step to spiritualize the organization's environment. This book presents the background of this issue and then defines concepts such as spirituality, spirituality in work, and intangible rewards. Afterwards, it examines the components of the spiritual values ​​for the employees and organization and spiritual rewards from an Islamic viewpoint.

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