Fighting Administrative Corruption: An Islamic Perspective

Fighting Administrative Corruption: An Islamic Perspective

Groups : Management
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : November 2014
Status : Printed

Corruption is intertwined with administration and governance. With the emergence of government and state, administrative corruption has also challenged their success and effectiveness; therefore, most governments have considered fighting corruption as a necessity. After presenting an overview of the programs in different countries to fight corruption, this book tries to explain the Islamic attitudes towards fighting corruption and to describe the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Imams’ (AS) approaches in this regard. For this purpose, various structural, cultural, and social corruption factors are first investigated and then the prevention and anti-corruption strategies are presented according to religious teachings. Some of the factors affecting administrative corruption are improper attitude towards work and management in organization, distance from spiritual and moral values, the dominance of the profit-mindedness culture, the prevalence of aristocracy and luxury-orientedness, and so on.

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