Empowering Human Resources in the Value System of Islam

Empowering Human Resources in the Value System of Islam

Groups : Management
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2014
Status : Printed

Today, the necessity of localization of theories, especially in the field of philology, is generally highlighted by Iranian scientific community. The increasingly growing exploitation of "Islamic texts" for theorization in new contexts is one of the most appropriate localization approaches; however, no acceptable achievement is reached due to the lack of proper methodology. In this book, the author is to use the grounded theory methodology (data-based theory) for theorizing in the field of Islamic management and to develop and present a functional and objective model in order to empower human resources. This book is outlined in three sections and nine chapters, including rich research literature, the implementation procedure of the grounded theory approach toward the achievement of a new model, and a new classification of empowerment approaches and models, which can be used as one of the valuable resources in theorization.

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