Fiqh of Administration (Vol. II): Fiqh of Selection

Fiqh of Administration (Vol. II): Fiqh of Selection

Groups : Management
Publisher : RIHU
Category : Management
Updated At : 30 June 2020
Published At : March 2015
Status : Printed

" Fiqh of Selection", as a circle of Fiqh of Administration, pursues the extraction of holy religious rules and benchmarks to select human resources as well as the strategies for the selection of the qualified at various organizational levels using the Ijtihadi method. The method of explanation and extraction of all the concepts and benchmarks for the selection of the qualified is organized based on the production line of philology, Fiqh of Hadith, Fiqh of Quran, Fiqh of Sira, and Fiqh of administration in each of the selection branches and issues. In the next step, the jurisprudential data are used as the main material in discovering and processing "The Selection of the Fittest Theory and System", which is intended by the holy religion to demonstrate the power of fiqh in these important arenas. "The Fiqh of Appointment" is the next circle of the series, which is presented to the thought and Fiqh market based on the structure of the knowledge management and organizational issues with the same production line, following the Fiqh of Selection as well as the ijtihadic (jurisprudential) survey of all management issues.

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