Theoretical Foundations of Cultural Diversity and Solidarity in the Political Thought of Islam

Theoretical Foundations of Cultural Diversity and Solidarity in the Political Thought of Islam

Groups : Politics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2017
Status : Printed

Cultural diversity as a reality accepted in human life is established on epistemological, anthropological, and value foundations, the understanding of which is of great importance in order to achieve solidarity in many cultural societies. The present study aimed to introduce a solidarity model in an Islamic society through reviewing the religious principles. To this end, after mentioning the existing strategies for replication, pluralism and multiple unity and adopting a viewpoint based on the pluralist and inter-cultural unity of the Quran and the changing realities of human life and their acceptance with respect and no prejudice, the components of cultural diversity, epistemological foundations (namely rationalism and inclusiveness), anthropological foundations (namely human dignity, equality, innate seek the God, caliphate of Allah, and human autonomy), and value foundations are examined with regard to common moral standards such as faith and good deeds.

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