Human Nature and Political Theory

Human Nature and Political Theory

Groups : Politics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2017
Status : Printed

Human nature, as one of the most fundamental issues in the field of political knowledge, has great implications in the political theory. These implications are in such a way that they facilitate understanding the political theory and the reasons for the differences in political views. In the present study, at least eight implications of any kind of human nature conception are explained for political theorization. The implications are the specifications of the government form, belief or disbelief in political and social liberties, belief or disbelief in the principle of political equality, individualist or collectivist nature of political theory, decisiveness in the field of law, formulation of the governments ends, conservative or revolutionary nature of political theory, and the relationship between political theory and the theory of prosperity. These eight factors contribute to analyzing, understanding, and evaluating any political theory.

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