Polysemy in the Holy Quran

Polysemy in the Holy Quran

Groups : Quran
Category : Quran Studies
Updated At : 29 June 2020
Published At : August 2009
Status : Printed

Polysemy refers to a word in a text, phrase, or sentence that indicates multiple meanings. Polysemy is inevitably linked to narratives introducing the Holy Quran with many semantic aspects. In jurisprudential and theological books as well as in some Quranic Tafsirs, polysemy is referred to as "applying a term in more than one meaning," or "carrying a common term for two or more meanings". In the field of religious education, the use of a polysemy or the use of words with more than one meaning is mostly common in the Quran.

Polysemy in the Holy Quran and its branches have different aspects. This book is to study the principle of its possibility in six chapters and, in addition to expressing the historical course of this issue and introducing advocates and opponents and their justifications, the book is to partially describe its dimensions and its scope along with some of its damages and challenges.

Author: Seyed Mahmoud Tayeb Hosseini

Publication Year: 2009

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