Eschatology with an Emphasis on Allamah Tabataba'i’s Quranic Thoughts

Eschatology with an Emphasis on Allamah Tabataba'i’s Quranic Thoughts

Groups : Quran
Publisher : پژوهشگاه حوزه و دانشگاه
Category : Quran Studies
Updated At : 29 June 2020
Published At : August 2017
Status : Printed

A comprehensive and profound exploration of the Resurrection verses, the explanation of the eschatological principles of the Quran, the separation of the Muḥkam and Mutashābih verses, the Tafsir of the Mutashābih verses based on Muḥkam verses, accurate and comprehensive observance of the Resurrection traditions, the rational explanation of the verses with regard to definite philosophical ideas and the provision of responses to the rational doubts regarding the Resurrection verses are features distinguishing Allamah Tabataba'i’s eschatological approaches from others’.

The present book seeks to analyze the Resurrection verses according to Allamah Tabataba'i’s views and to compare them with the other Shiite and Sunni Tafsirists.

Sections I to IV in this book explore the theoretical foundations of the Resurrection, death and Barzakh (i.e., a place between hell and heaven), the grounds and extent of the Resurrection, the stages of man's resurrection, and the evolutionary relationship between actions and their subsequent punishments, and the fifth section addresses the resurrection of the prophets and the Imams (AS) and their role in the occurrence and stages of man's resurrection.

Publisher: Masoud Tajabadi

Publication Year: 2017

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