The Trend Study of Comparative Tafsir

The Trend Study of Comparative Tafsir

Groups : Quran
Publisher : پژوهشگاه حوزه و دانشگاه
Category : Quran Studies
Updated At : 29 June 2020
Published At : August 2018
Status : Printed


Comparative Tafsir as an emerging form in the field of Tafsir first requires epistemological and methodological investigations. This book follows the same goal. To this end, the Tafsirists’ interpretation from the comparative Tafsir is presented and evaluated based on epistemic and hermeneutical criteria. It is then concluded that the comparison is the only point of concentration and sharing in these perceptions; even though, there is such a controversy regarding their goal, the object of comparison, and its direction that one cannot distinguish the boundary of comparative Tafsir from other Tafsir or even non- Tafsir types with regard to these interpretations. From various perceptions, the book considers "the comparison of Tafsir views" to be the most consistent with the aims of this kind of Tafsir, according to which the foundations, approaches, and methodology of comparative Tafsir are examined to contribute to the field.

Author: Ensieh Asgari

Publication Year: 2018

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