Tafsir theory of Texts

Tafsir theory of Texts

Groups : Quran
Category : Quran Studies
Updated At : 29 June 2020
Published At : August 2011
Status : Printed

From the first decades of the 20th century, we have witnessed the emergence of views on language, understanding, Tafsir, and mechanism of text comprehension, which are in serious contrast with the accepted beliefs of Muslim scholars. This controversy naturally raises doubts, questions, and uncertainties about the validity of the conventional Tafsir approach, and necessitate a comprehensive modification of the basic issues of text understanding and Tafsir by Muslim scholars.

In addition to meeting the abovementioned goal and addressing the major contemporary challenges in the field of text Tafsir, this book seeks to open up a new horizon in the field of Tafsir based on a knowledge-centered view. In this work, the author classifies the fundamental questions of "Tafsir theory" into three main categories: "Ontology of Meaning", "Epistemology of Meaning" and "Ethics of Meaning and Tafsir". According to the above classification, the present book is formulated in four chapters. In the first chapter, the meaning of the "Tafsir Theory of text", its significant issues, and its relationship with other Tafsir terms such as Tafsir method, Tafsir foundations, and Tafsir procedure, are addressed. In the second chapter, while discussing the nature of meaning, issues such as specificity and non- specificity of meaning as well as longitudinal and horizontal meanings are discussed. In Chapter III, which is the most detailed chapter of the book, the common contemporary Tafsir theories, "philosophical hermeneutics", "structuralism", "neo-pragmatism" and "deconstruction" are first discussed. Then the roles of the four main factors (namely author, reader, text and context) in the comprehension of the text are examined. Chapter IV encompasses the ethics of meaning and Tafsir requirements. Although the author's main focus was on the provision of comprehensive theories in interpreting texts based on Islamic principles, he does not ignore the contradictory Tafsir views and theories of the rivals and, while expressing a selected theory, criticizes their views on the raised issues.

Author: Ahmad Vaezi

Publication Year: 2011

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