Islamic Guardianship and Imamah: From the Perspective of the Quran

Islamic Guardianship and Imamah: From the Perspective of the Quran

Groups : Quran
Publisher : پژوهشگاه حوزه و دانشگاه
Category : Quran Studies
Updated At : 29 June 2020
Published At : August 2013
Status : Printed

In the present book, the Imamah is investigated from the perspective of its monotheistic-guardian origin. The basic discussion of Islamic guardianship in the Quran as the infrastructure and support of the Imamah in order to explain the status of the Islamic guardianship and the guardian dignity are discussed in the first section and the second section of the book discusses the role of Imamah as the manifestation of divine guardianship in comprehensive guidance of human society in all aspects. This section covers the Imamah issues in two aspects, including general Imamah and specific Imamah. Chapters I to VII of this book mainly focus on the topics of general Imamah: the semantics of Imamah, the nature and status of the Imamah, the Imamah's philosophy, the Imam's territory of guardian dignity, including the evolutionary guidance and theological guidance, the legitimacy of the Imam, the forgery and divine determination, and the conditions and qualifications of the Imam. Chapter VIII considers the specific Imamah after the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Chapter IX covers Imamah and Mahdism issues. Finally, the last chapter discusses the Islamic guardianship of the fair jurists on the behalf of the Imam Mahdi during the Occultation period.

Author: Mohammad Asadi

Publication Year: 2013

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