The Trend Study of Educational Tafsir

The Trend Study of Educational Tafsir

Groups : Quran
Publisher : پژوهشگاه حوزه و دانشگاه
Category : Quran Studies
Updated At : 29 June 2020
First Print Publication : 2018
Status : Printed


The Quran is the book of education and educational Tafsir advocates explaining the Quran based on this approach, which has a special importance due to its close proximity to the fundamental goals of the Quran, its enjoyment of practical and appealing aspects, its adaptation to diverse human needs, and its wide range of audiences. The educational Tafsir trend was developed as a fruitful tree in the Prophet’s (PBUH) Age and flourished by Ahl al-Bayt. Then, the Tafsir continued with ups and downs throughout the history and was presented in the form of narrative, preaching, mystical and social Tafsir approaches. Over the last two centuries and concurrent with the massive "return to the Quran" movement and the reformist attitudes toward understanding the Quran, the perfection grounds were more provided. Thanks to the evolution of this approach, many Tafsirs enjoying the "general" features of this trend were authored. In recent decades, efforts have been made to write specialized Tafsirs to systematize and utilize educational data based on the mutual interaction between the Quran and the educational sciences. The present book reviews the great educational potential of the Quran, and its pathology reveals its deficiencies, thus preventing theoretical and practical contributions

Author: Ali As’adi

Publication Year: 2018

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