Religiosity Evaluation Scale: Developing a Test Assessing Religious Orientation towards Islam

Religiosity Evaluation Scale: Developing a Test Assessing Religious Orientation towards Islam

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : January 2003
First Print Publication : 2003
Status : Printed

The present study mainly aimed to develop a test assessing religious orientation towards Islam, whose procedure and findings are thoroughly discussed in this book. The following procedures were taken in this study. To develop the questionnaire, an overview of the world’s religions and a detailed review of Islam (The Quran and authentic sources of Shi'a narrations) were first presented descriptively, and a 70-item questionnaire was then developed. The content validity of the questionnaire was also confirmed by the experts in the field (mean=775%).

To assess the reliability and validity of the scale, 378 17-25-year-old students from Tehran University, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, and Qom Seminary were randomly selected. The study resulted in a questionnaire with two scales (793%), including R1 (beliefs-rituals or Manasiks) and R2. In general, it reflects religious orientations towards Islam (R with an induction coefficient of 936%) in three fields, including beliefs, rituals/Manasiks, and morals. The validity of the test was confirmed based on the significant differences between the students from Qom Seminary and the students from Tehran and Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, with regard to R and R1.

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