Psychology of Religious Development

Psychology of Religious Development

Publisher : RIHU
Category : Educational Science
Updated At : 30 June 2020
Published At : September 2018
Status : Printed

Theoreticians in the field of religious development describe the development and stability in religiosity throughout one’s life and study the psychological factors and processes underlying these evident and tangible changes. This book, as a prelude to local and Islamic thinking in this field, is outlined in five sections and 13 chapters, reports and criticizes five theorization, and is concluded with some recommendations for the production of local-Islamic knowledge. Chapter I reports and criticizes the cognitive-structural approach to religious development with regard to the theories put forth by Goldman, El kind, Fowler, Oser, and Gmunder. The second chapter also reports and criticizes the emotional and motivational approach to the religious development, and the third chapter presents, reports and critiques of the social studies on religious development. In Chapter VI, the experiences of Christian scholars and believers in Christianizing the religious development theories are addressed and criticized. Chapter V examines and criticizes the status of research and theorization in Iran.

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