Psychology of Men and Women

Psychology of Men and Women

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : October 2017
Status : Printed

The present book is authored for undergraduate and postgraduate university students and seminary students majored in women studies, educational sciences, psychology, and other relevant disciplines and for all those individuals who are somehow dealing with women and their educational, family, and management issues. In this book, some attempts have been made to explain the basic issues associated with the psychology of men and women (similarities and differences) through rigorous and impartial psychological research studies using Islamic teachings. Explaining the status of women and men in different religions, especially from the perspective of Islamic teachings, is another goal pursued in this book. The physiological, biological, cognitive, emotional, sexual, moral, and communicative differences between these two genders are thoroughly and carefully addressed in this book with regard to various theories and empirical research as well as the theoretical foundations of Islam.

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