Couples Therapy with an Islamic Approach

Couples Therapy with an Islamic Approach

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : August 2016
Status : Printed

This book serves a prelude to the couples therapy program from an Islamic perspective. Chapter I outlines the foundations and structure of Islamic interventions for the treatment of couples' communication problems. Chapter II addresses the characteristics of a healthy family from the perspective of family therapy and presents an Islamic theoretical model for the healthy family structure. The pathology of the couples’ relations based on the Islamic texts are described in Chapter III. In the following three chapters, the methods of assessing couples' relationships, the developed cognitive-behavioral approach to couples therapy, and spirituality in contemporary family therapy are addressed. Then the couples therapy interventions are presented in five categories, including cognitive, emotional, behavioral, structural, and spiritual interventions. In structural interventions, the topics such as power distribution reform, legal problems of couples, and borders are considered based on the Islamic teachings. Spiritual interventions include Islamic recommendations to solve the belief, moral, and spiritual problems among the couples. Finally, the implementation of the Islamic interventions is presented.

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