Social Psychology with an Attitude towards Islamic Resources

Social Psychology with an Attitude towards Islamic Resources

Groups : Psychology
Status : Printed

This textbook presents the most recent psychology topics with regard to Islamic considerations. The topics include definitions and research methodology in social psychology, social perception, attribution theories, social cognition and its sources of error, mental shortcuts, three dimensions of self (namely self-concept, self-esteem, self-realization), attitudinal components (thoughts, emotions, and behavioral orientations), functions of attitudes in individuals’ lives (informative, instrumental, adaptive, and self-defensive), factors affecting attitude development (e.g., social learning and social comparisons), changes in one’s (cognitive inconsistency) and others’ (persuasion) attitudes, prejudice and stereotypes, interpersonal attraction factors (affiliation need, positive emotion instruments, proximity, positive appearance and personal traits, similar attitudes, and complementarity of needs), close relationships in family, aggression, supportive behaviors, social influence, group dynamics (social facilitation and indolence), feelings of justice in groups, and group decision making.

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