Family from the Perspective of Islam and Psychology

Family from the Perspective of Islam and Psychology

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : March 2006
Status : Printed

The book examines the Islamic teachings for families from a psychological viewpoint, and it provides psychological explanations regarding relevant Islamic recommendations. In this regard, the presentation of the Islamic teachings in the family, in practical and operational terms, is a ground, which facilitates the implementation of these teachings and would be effective in increasing the efficiency of families, solving their problems, and moving towards nurturing balanced and desirable families from the perspective of Islam.

This book explicitly states the precise conditions for using some Islamic rules in the family in order to minimize their misunderstanding and misuse. This book addresses the sociological and psychological viewpoints towards the family. Furthermore, it adopts such perspectives and avoids their probable weaknesses in order to propose teachings which will be of use to the families living in the current age.

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