Psychology and Advertising with an Emphasis on Religious Advertisements

Psychology and Advertising with an Emphasis on Religious Advertisements

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : March 2008
Status : Printed

Advertising knowledge under the categories of "communications" as well as "social psychology" has approached an independent position. The great significance of advertising is reflected in the language of politics, business, statistics, and the global village. This knowledge takes benefits from different disciplines of humanities, including psychology, in order to further succeed.

In this book, various psychological rules used in the advertisements are extracted from different branches of psychology and the application quality of each rule is briefly explained.

This book is formed based on the advertising pillars (namely tools, messenger, recipient, and message), and individual chapters are specified for each pillar. The personality traits of the messenger, his cognitive approaches, and the techniques used in advertising are the subject of the second pillar. Considering the recipient, some transformational rules in accordance with age groups as well as non-transformational rules are discussed.

Scenarios such as crisis, mourning, happiness, grief, etc. are also discussed in the fourth pillar. Since our messages are not created, sent, or received in the vacuum, and given that some cultural, social, political, psychological, and natural factors affect them, a specific chapter is also allocated to these issues. Another chapter is on some psychological warfare techniques from the perspective of the Quran and psychology. In the last chapter, a comprehensive Islamic model is presented on advertising, which contains content, trend, and structure models.

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