Group Cognitive Therapy

Group Cognitive Therapy

Groups : Psychology
Translated By: Dr Masoud Azarbayejani
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : March 2009
Status : Printed

The second edition of this work, which should be considered as the second version of Michael Fry's practical guide on "Group Cognitive Therapy", includes a 25-session intervention for group therapies. This cognitive therapy intervention is structured in five sections and is designed to be simply used for group therapy within a mental-educational framework; however, it can also be used as an individual therapy. This program is flexible for therapists who are to use it in their professional and specialized fields, and is so obvious in writing that it can be used word-by-word in conversation for a wide range of individuals who suffer from emotional and behavioral problems.

The book mainly focuses on understanding and changing inefficient shallow thinking, detecting a deeper level of inefficient thinking, testing and changing thoughts, including the content changes in schema and changes in inefficient behaviors resulting from the schema.

"Group cognitive therapy: Practical guides and resources" is a valuable resource for psychologists, social workers, counselors, psychiatrists, and all mental health providers. Furthermore, it is a valuable scientific resource for students and professors who are studying and teaching therapies, especially cognitive-behavioral therapies.

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