Philosophy of Psychology and its Critique

Philosophy of Psychology and its Critique

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : March 2009
Status : Printed

In this book, Bunge and Ardilla presented a biological approach to the philosophy of psychology, based on which they explained today's psychological issues. In this approach, the "soul" is called a myth, the duality of the soul and the body are assumed to be an old idea, and the relationship between the soul and the body is only analyzed on the basis of “type physicalism hypothesis", which indicates the same identity of mental and brain phenomena. In this biopsychological approach, human beings and animals are considered to be identical based on two ontological foundations, called "causal materialism" and "realism", and two principles of "biological-evolutionary process" and "the necessity of scientific empirical study of human beings" and, the use of empirical-scientific and neurobiological methodology, subjective, behaviorist, and information processing approaches as the representatives of "brainless psychology " are denied, and the psychological functions are introduced as the underlying foundations of biological processes. In order to criticize each chapter of the book, the translators are to assess significant issues from a narrative and rational perspective.

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