Research Methodology in Psychology and Educational Sciences

Research Methodology in Psychology and Educational Sciences

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : March 2009
Status : Printed

Teaching and research on psychology and educational sciences suffers from fundamental deficiencies in the foundations of the philosophy of science and qualitative and mixed methods. Moreover, it also suffers from the lack of innovation in accordance with national culture.

The book seeks to overcome these deficiencies and to adopt a more recent perspective towards these ignored issues. Chapter I deals with the fundamental research issues and processes. Chapter II introduces quantitative and qualitative research approaches. In the following three chapters, a variety of quantitative (namely surveys, correlation, causal-comparative, and experimental), qualitative (namely case studies, narrative, historical, ethnological, phenomenological, action research, and discourse analysis), and mixed (namely triangulated, explanatory, and exploratory) methods are addressed.

Finally, the last chapter, Chapter VI, covers discussions about Iranian psychologists and educationalists’ need for holding a new attitude towards research methodology.

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