Mental Health

Mental Health

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : March 2010
Status : Printed

In the 20th Century, the Mental Health Movement was one of the most influential social forces that focused on preventing mental disorders, instead of providing them with care and treatment. The new perspective considers the mental health to be beyond the absence of illness and seeks to transform and consolidate human’s personality and to flourish their talents. In this book, the first chapter deals with mental health definitions and domains and considers the bio-psycho-socio-spiritual model as a basis for mental health. In Chapter II, psychological, ethical and religious approaches to healthy personality (i.e., healthy and consistent relationships with God, oneself and others) are examined. An individual’s relation with God makes different aspects of his being unified and coherent. Chapter III investigates the roles of needs, especially spiritual needs, in mental health. The fourth and fifth chapters address the role of religious beliefs and behaviors in mental health. In Chapter VI, some factors intervening mental health, including sin, are discussed. The seventh, eighth, and eleventh chapters discuss the relations with family and other individuals as well as the economic issues of social institutions. Chapter IX encompasses the environmental and technological aspects of mental health, and Chapter X elaborates on the role of learning and Ministry of Education in mental health.

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