An Overview of Islamic Psychology

An Overview of Islamic Psychology

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : March 2012
Status : Printed

What is Islamic Psychology? What is its definition and significance? Does it reject or complete the current psychology? Is "Islamic psychology" essentially probable? If yes, what are its nature, foundation, subject, objectives, problems, and research methodology? What infrastructure is required to develop Islamic psychology? and what are its challenges? These are just some of the questions to which answers are provided in this book. In addition, with a focus on the Islamic psychology, the background of psychology in Iran, its current status, and its future perspective are illustrated. In this book, attempts have been made to introduce the centers of education and research as well as the researchers working in the field of Psychological-Islamic studies in order to contribute to the cooperation of facilities and talents in the country to reach a local and Islamic psychology and to reduce parallel works in this field.

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