Integrated Psychotherapy Models with a Focus on Introducing Monotheistic Integrated Therapy

Integrated Psychotherapy Models with a Focus on Introducing Monotheistic Integrated Therapy

Groups : Psychology
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : March 2012
Status : Printed

In recent years, there have been two major developments in psychotherapy: Therapists’ tendency for eclectic and integrated approaches, and an emphasis on spiritual values ​​and religious teachings in the treatment process. The monotheistic integrated psychotherapy model introduced in this book provides a response to these two important developments.

Confirming the fact that a set of biological factors, including genetic susceptibility and malfunctioning of body organs; psychological factors such as emotional, cognitive, and behavioral factors; social factors such as communication, family, and cultural problems; and spiritual issues such as meaningfulness of life, religious beliefs, and faith in God play a critical role in the incidence of mental disorders, the monotheistic integrated psychotherapy emphasize that all these factors must be taken into account in order to reach full treatment and to prevent their recurrence. Hence the monotheistic integrated psychotherapy with no scientific bias and with full consideration of all schools, theoretical perspectives, and clinical findings, seeks to select different components of compatible theories and therapies and to present a comprehensive approach by integrating these components, particularly Tawhid and intimate relationship with God, in revelatory teachings in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of psychotherapy techniques.

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