Taking Sex Differences Seriously

Taking Sex Differences Seriously

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : March 2013
Status : Printed

Are women and men’s behavioral patterns and characteristics created by culture and society? Does the extension of the equality culture for men and women in different roles provide the grounds for social justice or gender equality? During the few decades of the last century, the western community has been the largest laboratory testing the hypotheses of these questions. They have tried to synchronize other societies with themselves and push them towards such an inherent imbalance. The western leaders’ freemasonry thinking found their great interest in changing the social structure by propagating the collapse of gender boundaries; however, they are burning and will burn within the next decades in the fire of the hell founded by themselves. This book scientifically documents such a collapse. Reading through this book, the readers, especially the committed Iranian scholars, would obviously find that the assumptions made a few decades ago on male-to-female relations are no longer accepted, and that even feminist women are implicitly and explicitly aware of this fact. Conducting informative studies that can influence some individuals’ blind (and unfortunately, delayed) following in the society is a great mission to be taken over by Iranian scholars. The content of this book reveals the evil nature of the Western Freemasonry from various aspects.

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