Psychology in Quran: Concepts and Teachings
Contemporary psychology is formed within the positivism and empiricism framework and, in written and unwritten versions, is conscientiously or unconsciously influenced by the anthropological, epistemological, ontological, and methodological foundations of positivism. "Psychology in the light of Quran" necessitates all these principles to be based on the Quran. Although the type of psychology is resulting from the scientific findings of contemporary psychology on the one hand, it should be subjected to the epistemic geometry of Islam and sufficiently coherent and consistent with the other branches of Islamic science, on the other hand. Following several decades of attempts made by Muslim psychologists all around the world, this approach has been upgraded from a personal scale to an academic and research scale. Due to some limitations, the book could manage to address only some psychological concepts from the viewpoint of the Quran. First, the Quranic approach is introduced, and then its foundations and the quality of its presence in psychology are illustrated. Afterwards, several chapters are devoted to the Quran’s view to topics such as motivation, emotion, perception, cognition, growth, social psychology, mental health, and positive psychology.